Apple + ChatGPT AI assistant By Saasly

Boost agent productivity and customer support with Apple + ChatGPT.

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Preview image of app
Preview image of app

Detalhes do aplicativo

Funciona com
Preço (USD)
Multiple plans available

Os aplicativos são instalados diretamente em sua conta

Planos e preços


Free 5-day trial, then $25.00 per month

The Lite plan allows you to connect one app per account Apple + ChatGPT, the Pro Plan expands this to multiple app users. E.G if the user has two apps in the Apple store. It can support 1 app not more than that. If you want to link numerous apps. Please select the Pro Plan.


Free 5-day trial, then $50.00 per month

The Pro plan allows you to connect 2 or more app per account Apple + ChatGPT,. E.G if the user has more than two apps in the Apple store. If the user has more than two Apps in the Apple Store, the user can integrate more than two Apps and receive reviews and ratings from the integrated apps.

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