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In-app feedback tool

Provide customer support across all channels

Websites and apps are great for expanding your customer base, but can lack a personal touch when a customer question comes up. Fortunately, integrating Zendesk functionality into any native environment with Embeddables allows businesses to reach out with support, start customer conversations, or provide valuable — and timely — information.

The inside scoop

With Zendesk Embeddables, a combination of Web Widget, Zendesk API, and Mobile SDK’s for both iOS and Android, developers can embed Zendesk functionality into any app, website, or standalone device. By embedding support across all channels, environments, and devices, you make it easier for your customers to get help when and where they need it most, thus:

  • Increasing the efficiency of support interactions

  • Maintaining brand consistency

  • Minimizing friction

Did you know?

Embeddables automatically generates information about what app version or device is being used when issues occur, giving you the context necessary to get to the heart of your support inquiries.

Next steps

For more insight into how this website and in-app feedback tool brings support directly to your customers, check out Zendesk Embeddables today.

Give your agents the tools they need to provide great support.