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Top 10 customer engagement metrics to measure in 2024

We made a short list of customer engagement metrics that are relevant to almost any company.

Por Liz Coffman

Última atualização em January 22, 2024

Customer engagement metrics

Every company needs to track customer engagement metrics to some extent, and yet it can be a struggle to identify which metrics actually mean something.

That’s why we made a short list of metrics that are relevant to almost any campaign.

Let’s get into it.

Top 10 customer engagement metrics to track

The engagement metrics that you need to track will depend on your campaign, channels, and goals. We purposely picked just a few metrics that should be relevant to almost any campaign, but you’ll likely want to add more to this list depending on your specific campaign objectives.

Graphic with text outlining four customer engagement metrics that matter: Conversion rate, pages per session, Net Promoter Score, and average session duration

1. Conversion rate

At its core, a campaign’s conversion rate measures the percentage of people who complete an action that’s tied to your campaign goal. Some examples of conversion goals include:

  • Downloading an eBook or whitepaper from your website

  • Signing up for your email newsletter

  • Registering for a free product trial

  • Clicking on a Facebook ad

  • Landing on your website’s pricing or product page

Though what defines a conversion varies from campaign to campaign, the conversion rate itself is easy to calculate. Just divide the total number of conversions by the total number of visitors (or sessions), and multiply that figure by 100.

As an example, if your conversion goal is email subscriptions, you would divide total subscriptions by the number of visitors who landed on the subscription page of your website and multiply that number by 100.

Don’t want to do calculations? If your team uses marketing automation software, chances are the tool calculates conversion rates for you.

Essential for every marketer, this customer engagement metric helps you determine how effective your campaigns are at getting users to do what you want them to do.

2. Pages per session

This customer engagement metric measures how many pages of your website a user clicks through to within a single visit (commonly referred to as a “session”). A high page-per-session rate is generally an indication that visitors find your content helpful, authoritative, and engaging. Conversely, a low page-per-session rate could indicate that your content isn’t relevant to the consumers you’re targeting or that your site is poorly structured.

If you have a low page-per-session rate, consider whether any of the following factors could be a driving cause.

Internal links. Marketers will use internal links to guide users to different pages or resources on their website. Make sure your internal links lead to truly relevant and related resources. Otherwise, you’ll confuse your readers, and they’ll end up leaving.

Site structure. You can’t expect a high page-per-session rate if your site is hard to navigate. Make sure your site structure has clear breadcrumbs your users can follow to navigate from one page to another easily.

Content quality. A low number of pages per session could be an issue of quality. If your content isn’t up to the standards of your audience, you’ll lose them immediately. Review every page on your site and ask yourself whether there are ways to make the information more relevant to your target customer and easier to absorb.

To measure pages per session, you’ll need to use Google Analytics. Follow the instructions in this resource to track pages per session using the tool.

3. Net Promoter Score® (NPS)

Net Promoter Score is used to measure customer loyalty or, more precisely, how likely your customers are to recommend your brand to others. This metric is critical for understanding how satisfactory your product is to your customers’ needs.

The most common way to measure NPS is by surveying your customers. Brands typically ask customers to rate their experiences using a sliding-numerical scale. For example, “On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to refer our products to a friend?”

You can also ask more open-ended questions to understand why your customers feel the way they do. Just keep in mind that these types of survey questions are difficult to measure.

If you need help getting started with your NPS survey, check out Retently’s list of sample questions, which include:

  • “How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or a colleague?”

  • “What was missing or disappointing in your experience with us?”

  • “How can we improve your experience?”

  • “What features do you value/use the most?”

To get the most out of your NPS survey, include a mix of sliding-scale and open-ended questions. That way, you’ll be able to quantify your NPS and identify actionable steps for improving customer loyalty and referral rates.

4. Average session duration

For marketers, session time typically refers to the amount of time a website visitor spends on a blog article or landing page in a single visit.

Long session times on landing pages can help your team identify which products and features your audience is most interested in learning about. With this data, you can create new campaigns that highlight the specific pain points those products or features solve—which could yield higher conversion rates.

As B2B marketing writer Dann Albright explains in their blog post about benchmarking average session duration, session time is one of the most-tracked engagement metrics, and there’s an important reason.

“Average session duration is one of those signals based on merit, meaning it’s hard to game it. You can’t improve it by advertising, by stuffing more keywords onto your page, or by writing more clickbaity headlines.”

Blog posts with longer-than-average session times can help marketers identify the type of content most valuable to their target audience. This information can be used to create new content around similar topics that drive even more traffic to your site.

Google Analytics can track session times for all your pages automatically. In the tool, session time is called “session duration.” You can read more about session duration and how to find it in Google Analytics by clicking here.

5. Customer satisfaction rating by channel

Looking at CSAT ratings by channel can help you determine which customer service channels your customers prefer to engage with your brand, and which ones may not be meeting their needs. Collect this metric by sending out customer satisfaction surveys that ask customers to rank their recent support experience on a scale of 1 to 5 or to rate it as “good” or “bad.”

To gain more context about CSAT scores, also include open-ended survey questions that prompt customers to give more details about their interaction. For example, you can ask, “In ways did this experience meet your expectations?” to find out what your support team is doing right. You can also state, “Tell us what we can do better” to identify areas of improvement.

6. Ticket volume by support channel

Ticket volume by support channel is another metric that can help you determine which service channels have the highest customer engagement. Taking it a step further, you can look at which channels have the highest engagement based on issue type and query. For example, you might find that your customers prefer the phone for higher-stakes issues while they tend to reach out over social media for simple questions. Or, if you find that most of your customers want support via SMS or email, you might plan a marketing campaign over that channel since you know that’s where your customers already are.

Channel preference can also vary by customer segment. Gen Z customers value the ability to solve issues on their own while both Millennials and Gen Z are more comfortable interacting with chatbots compared to older generations.

Being able to track channel usage is vitally important to optimize the efficiency of your support team, the quality of each resolution, and where you may need to move, train, or hire staff.

7. Social media listening metrics

Track both positive and negative social media mentions to help you understand what’s been said about you publicly. This includes Twitter, Facebook, your Instagram account, and product review sites. Using social media-monitoring tools, you can easily collect and analyze customer feedback. Use this feedback to determine the following:

  • How many comments appear to be written in moments of frustration, perhaps after a poor customer experience in person or online?

  • How many are technical or account-specific questions?

  • How many comments provide feedback, positive or negative?

  • How many questions can be answered using links to existing help content?

  • How many brand mentions require, or would benefit from, a response?

  • What time of day are your customers most active on social media?

8. Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value is a measure of the projected revenue a customer will generate for a company over the entirety of their relationship. While customer retention focuses on how to keep customers loyal, lifetime value is about how much a customer spends with your company.

Customer lifetime value helps companies determine customer groups that are most valuable and make sure the investment required to get new customers pays off. Increasing customer satisfaction and customer engagement has been shown to have a positive influence on lifetime value. For example, customer support teams help reduce churn by providing great service while customer engagement programs like loyalty rewards help to retain and upgrade customers.

9. Customer retention rate

Customer retention refers to a company’s ability to turn customers into repeat buyers and prevent them from switching to a competitor. It indicates whether your product and the quality of your service please your existing customers. It’s also the lifeblood of most subscription-based companies and service providers.

Customer retention rate measures the number of customers a company retains over a given period of time. It’s expressed as a percentage of a company’s existing customers who remain loyal within that time frame. Monitoring retention metrics is critical for a business to quantify the efficacy of its marketing strategy and customer service program.

10. Churn rate

Customer churn rate is the percentage of a company’s total customers that stop doing business with the company over a specified period of time. When evaluated alongside other key customer engagement metrics, churn rate is a powerful way to assess what a brand is doing well and where it needs to improve.

Depending on the nature of the business, churn rate may be monitored on an annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly basis. Fast-moving SaaS companies—with user bases that fluctuate rapidly and dramatically—might even look at this data daily.

While all companies strive to have a loyal customer base and a churn rate of zero, the reality is that customers come and go. But that doesn’t mean churn isn’t worth tracking. Once businesses determine their customer churn rate, they can determine why customers are leaving and identify customer engagement strategies that could help.

Increase marketing ROI with customer engagement metrics

Depending on your marketing goals, there are dozens of ways to measure customer engagement. But the four metrics above are a great place to start.

With customer engagement metrics, you don’t have to guess whether your marketing is working. Measure the four metrics in this guide, and you’ll have a clear idea of how your website and campaigns could be improved to resonate with your target audience. With these data insights, you can confidently spend your marketing budget on initiatives that have sparked engagement in the past.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.

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