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52 effective sales email templates (+ writing tips)

Increase your chances of success with these sales email templates that cover every stage of the pipeline, from prospecting to closing.

Última atualização em April 4, 2024

Sales email templates

For most sales reps, email outreach is a fundamental activity to boost business growth. However, prospects only open nine percent of sales emails—this fact is unsurprising when you consider the mass amounts of emails they receive on a daily basis.

Tapping into the revenue potential of well-constructed email outreach is well worth the effort—the average return on sales emails is a whopping $38 for every dollar invested. So, how do you ensure your emails stand out from the crowd and make an impact?

Use sales email templates.

When used correctly, sales email templates will give your sales team a foundation on which to build more personalized content. Much like a power dialer gives your reps an advantage on the phone, sales email templates give them an advantage in their leads’ inboxes.

To help with your outreach efforts, we’ve created a sales email template for every sales stage, from prospecting to closing. You’ll also find tips and a downloadable PDF with additional templates so you can keep them handy.

51 sales email template examples

Looking for some direction to help you with your sales emails? Check out these 51 sales email template examples—categorized according to the sales pipeline stage they cover.

Getting a prospect’s attention

Getting a prospect’s attention

Prospecting emails are your best bet to stand out, make a good impression, and capture your prospect’s attention. It’s important to deliver emails with subject lines that are interesting and catchy at first glance.

To start, state your subject line as a question—you can also include the prospect’s first name to make it more inviting and personalized to them. Sales prospecting is already difficult, so don’t make it harder by using generic copy.

1. Cold email template

Subject line: [Prospect Name], are you free for a chat?

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I just took a look at [XYZ], and I’m very excited about what you’re doing at [Prospect’s Business Name]! Are you in need of assistance with [pain point]? With our tools, such as [product/services], you can track your customers’ payment information and easily organize data, even if you’re on the go.

Are you free for a 30-minute chat this week to discuss more?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
[Your Name]
[Phone number]

When to use it: Use this cold outreach sales email template when you:

  • Receive email addresses through gated content, marketing, etc.

  • Follow up with leads that expressed interest in your company.

  • Want to show that you’ve done your homework and that you know the company’s needs.

Why it’s effective: Quickly getting back to someone who’s shown interest in your product demonstrates that you’re paying attention and you want to help them.

2. Introductory email template

Subject line: Free trial of [software]

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I recently came across your question on [social media channel] about the best [product/service] and thought I would introduce myself. Investing in the right [product/service] is important for companies like yours and requires things such as:

  • [list requirements here]

[Your product/service] offers a free trial that delivers insights into [XYZ]. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to give it a try!

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template when you:

  • Notice prospects asking questions about your product or service on sites like Quora and LinkedIn.

  • Want your customers to try a free trial or demo of your product—allowing them to do a test drive with no strings attached is enticing at first contact.

Why it’s effective: Framing an introduction through the lens of a solution tells your prospect that you’re ready to listen and help. Not only did you notice their comment online, but you also thought about their pain point and reached out with a way to eliminate it.

3. Warm email template

Subject line: Nice chatting with you, [Prospect Name]

Hi [Prospect Name],

It was a pleasure chatting with you on [date]! Based on our conversation on/at [time and date], I wanted to relay more helpful information about our offerings and how they can help your company with [pain point].

Our [product/service] is an excellent solution for businesses like yours because of several features, such as:

  • [Feature 1]

  • [Feature 2]

  • [Feature 3]

Do you have time for a quick call this week to discuss how [Your Company Name] can help your business?

Thank you,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to thank a prospect for meeting with you and keep the door open for future contact.

Why it’s effective: The majority of casual business interactions never lead to a follow-up note. A prompt outreach email goes a long way toward reminding your prospect that you exist and letting your prospect know that you didn’t forget about them and their needs.

4. Browsing history email template

Subject line: Point of contact for [Website/Company] questions

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed you and your colleagues browsed our website recently, specifically for [website page]. I wanted to introduce myself as someone who can be a helpful resource for you here at [Company Name].

[Company Name] has experience working with companies similar to yours, such as:

  • [Company Name 1]

  • [Company Name 2]

  • [Company Name 3]

We’ve helped them improve their strategy in many ways, including [list ways].

Would you be interested in setting up a quick call to connect?

Best regards,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to nurture a prospect who has already visited your page. This is a great prospect to contact because you already know they have some interest in what you’re offering.

Why it’s effective: By acknowledging that the prospect is interested in your services or products, you can be a resource for them if they ever need more information or assistance in the future.

5. Prospect follow-up email template

Subject line: X helpful blog posts about [pain point]

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I wanted to reach out and let you know about several informative blog posts that I believe would be helpful for [prospect pain point]:

  • [Resource 1]

  • [Resource 2]

  • [Resource 3]

  • [Resource 4]

When you have a few minutes, check them out and let me know your thoughts! I think they provide strong insights into [topics in the blog posts].

Thank you,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to follow up on a previous email if the prospect hasn’t responded. Ensure you include resources that relate to your prospect’s pain point to help build rapport.

Why it’s effective: There are numerous reasons why a prospect might not respond to initial outreach, many of which are out of your control. Since 60 percent of prospects say no four times before committing, there’s no harm in trying again.

6. Voicemail follow-up email template

Subject line: Following up on recent voicemail

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I heard you were interested in [Company Name] and learning more about our [product/service]. I just gave you a ring to provide information about [product/service] and would love to discuss what you’re looking for and need help with.

Is there a good time to hop on a quick call to talk about this further? You can book a time slot on my calendar as well: [Calendar link].

Best regards,
[Your Name]

When to use it: This voicemail follow-up email template is best for reinforcing a recent voicemail message you left.

Why it’s effective: Customers can easily look over voicemails or forget about them in the shuffle—this template makes it easier to ensure the prospect hears your message.

7. Demo request email template

Subject line: Let’s chat about [product/service]

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I noticed that you recently submitted a demo request for [product/service]. I wanted to reach out to let you know that I’m here to answer any questions you may have and give additional context behind this demo and why it can be helpful for you.

Our demo provides [description of what the demo provides] and can help you with things such as:

  • [Benefit 1]

  • [Benefit 2]

  • [Benefit 3]

Are you available for a 15-minute call this week to discuss the demo further?

Please let me know!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to follow up on a prospect’s demo request.

Why it’s effective: This template establishes a relationship with your prospect, demonstrates you’re there to guide them through processes and educate them, and sets up an expectation.

8. Free trial follow-up email template

Subject line: How is your free trial so far?

Hi [Prospect First Name],

First off, thank you for signing up for the free trial! It’s been a few days since you signed up, so I wanted to check in and see how it’s going so far.

Do you have any questions about [product/service]? I’m happy to clarify any concerns you may have and provide helpful information and resources.

Would you have time this week to chat about this further? I would love to discuss how [product/service] can help you—just let me know.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Similar to the demo request email, this template helps you follow up on a prospect’s free trial signup.

Why it’s effective: This template allows you to maintain the connection with the prospect—even after they sign up for the free trial.

9. Congratulations email template

Subject line: Congratulations on [recent achievement]!

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I wanted to first reach out and congratulate you and your business on [recent achievement]! I hope you and your team take some time to celebrate.

If there are ways [Your Company Name] can help you achieve further success down the road, I’d love to set up a call to chat. If interested, you can book a time slot on my calendar here: [calendar link].

Chat soon,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to congratulate a prospect’s latest achievement, such as their company’s addition to the Inc. 500 list or securing a new investor.

Why it’s effective: Reaching out to a prospect with a template like this shows that you’re knowledgeable about their industry and what their company is doing. It also helps establish urgency and gives you a reason to reach out.

Proving your product’s worth

After you capture a prospect’s interest, it’s time to prove that your product or service is a good fit for their team. The templates below will help you establish credibility with your prospects and show the value of your offering.

10. Social proof email template

Subject line: Want to save [percentage] in costs?

Hi [Prospect Name],

I appreciate you for taking the time today to chat. Our team is excited about the possibility of working with you! As promised, I’m sending a few examples of work that we’ve executed for other customers:

  • [Example 1]

  • [Example 2]

  • [Example 3]

Based on these successful customer stories, [Your Company Name] can help your team with [pain points].

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions—I’ll follow up on [date].

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to highlight the effectiveness of your product or service when you connect with a prospect. You can include testimonials, customer stories, videos, case studies, blog links, and more to showcase interesting narratives.

Why it’s effective: If you had a positive first interaction with a prospect, you don’t want to let them get away. Reaching out with useful resources gives you another communication touchpoint while giving your prospect genuine reasons to buy.

11. Product facts email template

Subject line: Take a look at what [product] can do for you

Hello [Prospect Name],

I noticed that you recently expressed interest in our [product], and I wanted to reach out to provide you with some additional information. Our [product] can help you solve many pain points by:

  • [Fact 1]

  • [Fact 2]

  • [Fact 3]

If you’re interested, I’d love to set up a call with you to discuss this further. You can book a time slot on my calendar here: [calendar link].

Chat soon,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to provide facts and features about the product and how it can help the prospect.

Why it’s effective: This template can give the prospect additional information that isn’t already available on your website.

Discussing pricing

Discussing terms and prices can often feel like one of the more delicate stages in your sales process. Here are a few template ideas for discussing pricing.

12. Proposal email template

Subject line: [Product/service] proposal

Hi [Prospect Name],

Thank you for chatting the other day! I wanted to provide the pricing information for [offering], which can help with your team’s needs. Your [package/offering] would include:

  • [Feature 1]

  • [Feature 2]

  • [Feature 3]

This package costs a total of [price].

Please let me know what you think! If interested, the next steps would include:

  1. Starting the paperwork

  2. Touching base with [Prospect’s Manager]

  3. Onboarding [Prospect’s Company Name]

If I don’t hear from you, I’ll be sure to reach out by [date].

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template after the prospect has expressed serious interest in your product or service and you’ve already provided information surrounding the terms. Let the prospect know that you’re there to help or answer questions. And be sure to emphasize the value and benefits of your product or service.

Why it’s effective: Summarizing an interaction with a prospect in a sales follow-up email is always a good idea—summarizing a pricing conversation is a must. Pricing clarity shows your prospect that you’re taking the partnership seriously. This email is also a great place to include your sales letter or written product pitch.

13. Follow-up proposal email template

Subject line: [Follow-up in initial email thread]

Hello [Prospect Name],

Hope your week is going well. I’m sure you’re busy, so I wanted to make sure my initial email didn’t get lost in the shuffle. Did you have a chance to check out [info sent from the initial email]?

Our [product/service] can help you with:

  • [New benefit/feature 1]

  • [New benefit/feature 2]

  • [New benefit/feature 3]

Would it be helpful to set up a brief call to chat more? Please let me know what days work well for you!

[Your Name]

When to use it: It’s best to use this template if you didn’t hear back from a prospect.

Why it’s effective: This template is effective because you’re giving a prospect another chance to respond in case they missed the last email. It also gives you the opportunity to provide them with even more information and value.

14. Last attempt follow-up email template

Subject line: [Follow-up in initial email thread]

Hello [Prospect Name],

Though we may not be the right fit for each other, I wanted to reach out one last time. I have a few insights on how your company can benefit from [product/service], but if I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume that it’s not the best time.

However, I would love to leave you with some resources I think you’d find useful:

  • [Resource 1]

  • [Resource 2]

  • [Resource 3]

If you change your mind down the road, I’d be more than happy to reconnect.

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template as a final follow-up if you still haven’t heard back from the prospect—especially if they’ve opened the email.

Why it’s effective: You essentially leave the door open for the prospect to contact you when the timing is right or if they change their mind in the future.

Closing the deal with persuasive language

Closing the deal with persuasive language

After you lay out all the information and answer your prospect’s questions, you’re ready to send an email to close the deal. The sales email templates below are especially helpful in swaying your prospect to choose your product or service over a competitor’s.

15. Closing sales email template 1

Subject line: Is your team ready to improve [pain point]?

Hi [Prospect Name],

We’re excited to hear that you’re considering [Your Company Name] for your company’s needs! As I mentioned previously, our [product/service] will help your team with:

  • [Benefit 1]

  • [Benefit 2]

  • [Benefit 3]

For the price of [price], [Prospect’s Company Name] can take advantage of [list of features].

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s any additional information I can give you or if you need further clarification. Once you’re ready to proceed, here are the next steps:

  • [Step 1]

  • [Step 2]

  • [Step 3]

Looking forward to hearing from you,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template when you’re ready to close the deal. Highlight the benefits that your product or service will bring to your prospect. And remember to personalize your message and include a summary of the info you already shared in previous emails.

Why it’s effective: Between pricing, scheduling, and getting everyone on board, it’s easy for your prospect to lose sight of why they were considering your product in the first place. Reminding prospects that the product solves a major headache is an ideal way to focus and accelerate the closing process.

16. Closing sales email template 2

Subject line: [Prospect Name], just wanted to follow up

Hi [Prospect Name],

It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you, so I wanted to follow up. Is your team still struggling with [pain points] and in need of [product/service]? Please reach out if there are some remaining questions or concerns that I can address.

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this sales email template to follow up with an unresponsive prospect. Sending a gentle reminder that you’re still there for them is sometimes all you need to do to elicit a reply.

Why it’s effective: Your prospects have a lot going on. In between interactions with you, your potential customers have numerous activities to take care of, including other purchase negotiations. This type of email allows you to stay on their radar without appearing pushy.

Continuing customer relationships via email

It’s important to maintain the relationship with a prospect even after you’ve closed the deal. Continuing to check in with them will help increase customer retention and present future upsell opportunities.

17. Welcome email template

Subject line: Welcome to [Your Company Name]

Hi [Customer Name],

We’re very excited to have a new partnership with your team! I’ve included [Customer Success Rep Name] on this email to assist you with the onboarding process, but I’m happy to address any concerns or questions you may have at this time.

To further help with the onboarding process, I’ve added a few resources to get you acquainted with [product/service]:

  • [Resource 1]

  • [Resource 2]

  • [Resource 3]

We’re looking forward to assisting [Customer Company Name] with [pain point].

[Your Name]

When to use it: Send this type of message after you secure a sale. Express your excitement and assure the customer that you can still lend a hand if they ever need additional support or help.

Why it’s effective: Reaching out post-purchase shows your new customer that you’re still invested in their success. This creates trust and increases the likelihood of future purchases.

18. Resource email template

Subject line: X blog posts to assist with [pain point]

Hi [Customer Name],

I hope you’re doing well! My colleague [Team Member Name] let me know that your team is having trouble with [pain point]. So, I wanted to reach out and share a few helpful blog posts related to [pain point] that could be helpful for your team:

  • [Resource 1]

  • [Resource 2]

  • [Resource 3]

Please let me know if I can help you answer any questions about [product/service].

Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this email template to demonstrate that you care about the customer’s success and want to keep the door open. Be sure to offer content related to any pain point they’re facing.

Why it’s effective: Anticipating customer needs isn’t just a successful tactic during the initial sale. Customer loyalty also depends on consistent, high-quality service. By reaching out to a client before they start complaining, you:

  • Prevent the problem before it happens

  • Prove to the customer that you take their satisfaction seriously

19. Reconnect email template

Subject line: Our new feature to help solve [customer problem]

Hi [Customer Name],

It’s been a while since we last spoke, so I thought I’d check in. How is it going at [Prospect’s Company Name]? We added [new product feature] to our offerings, and I think it could help you [list benefits].

If you’re interested, I would love to provide you and your team with additional information. Are you free for a meeting or demo this week?

Please let me know,
[Your Name]

When to use it: You can use this template if you’ve lost the deal but still want to stay in touch with your prospect and alert them of new products or services they may be interested in.

Why it’s effective: Not every lost sale is a loss forever. Some prospects will never return, but many may still be hunting for the perfect solution to their problems. By reaching out with a solution to a specific pain point, you’ll demonstrate that you haven’t forgotten about the prospect or their challenges.

20. Solution email template

Subject line: Can I help with [pain point]?

Hi [Prospect First Name],

I wanted to reach out and ask how everything is going at [Prospect Company Name]. How is your current [Product/Service] working out for you?

We’ve recently added some new features to our software that I believe would be very helpful for [prospect pain point]. Please let me know if you’re interested in scheduling a demo or if there are other ways we can help [Prospect Company Name].

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to maintain a connection with a prospect and tell them about new features or products.

Why it’s effective: This template gives you the opportunity to offer a solution and/or a benefit to a prospect who may be in need of more information. It can also spark their interest in a product or service that they may not have thought of before.

21. Product updates email template

Subject line: Explore [Product Name]’s new feature

Hi [Prospect First Name],

Dropping in to announce that we’ve just added [feature] to our [product/service], and I think your team will love it! Below is a quick breakdown of the benefits:

  • [Benefit 1]

  • [Benefit 2]

  • [Benefit 3]

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to inform the customer of recent product updates or changes. Instead of just telling a prospect about a new bug fix or feature, focus on the benefits and value to the customer.

Why it’s effective: This helps keep customers informed about recent changes and shows them that you’re dedicated to their success.

22. Loyal customer reward email template

Subject line: Thank you for being a loyal customer

Hi [Customer Name],

We wanted to thank you for being a loyal [Program Name] member! To extend our gratitude, we’re offering you a discount on [product/service]. To claim this offer, [insert directions/offer code].

If you have any questions, please let us know—we appreciate you and are so grateful you’re part of our community!

[Your Name]

When to use it: Use this template to reward a repeat customer with a free product, special offer, or discount. Doing so can help boost customer loyalty and retention.

Why it’s effective: Extending your appreciation to your customers is a great way to maintain a relationship with them and strengthen patronage.

Additional sales email template ideas

Additional sales email template ideas, person behind laptop

In need of more inspiration to entice prospects? Check out these additional sales email templates.

23. Citing mutual connection template: Build rapport by citing a mutual connection that you share with your prospect, such as a LinkedIn connection.

24. Reference a prospect’s new role template: Congratulate a prospect on their new role and highlight how you can help them succeed in their new position.

25. Compliment a prospect’s work template: Reach out to a prospect with a template that compliments their latest work, and tie that to your product or service offering.

26. Respond to a social media post template: Create a template to use when a prospect posts a question or asks for advice on social media.

27. Mention competitors template: Telling prospects that you’ve also helped their competitors can help pique their interest.

28. Build rapport with common interests template: Did you come across a prospect who has a similar background or shares the same interests as you? Mention these commonalities in your email.

29. Connect with vendors template: Chat with your prospect’s vendors to gain a connection or referral.

30. Mention published content template: In your template, you can allude to a recent piece of content a prospect created that caught your attention.

31. Ask for a recommendation template: You can draft a template that asks a prospect for a recommendation for something in your industry, such as a tool or platform.

32. Start with a stat template: Consider starting your email template with an interesting statistic to capture the prospect’s interest.

33. Provide local recommendations template: If you notice that a prospect started a new role in a different city or in the city you’re located in, you can personalize your email with some local recommendations.

34. Out-of-office response template: If you find out that your prospect is out of town, be sure to follow up once they’re back.

35. Reference a company announcement template: Referencing a company announcement or specific news around the company in your email shows prospects that you’re knowledgeable and attentive.

36. Ask a prospect to contribute template: To establish a connection, ask your prospect to contribute to something like an article or market research.

37. Provide a helpful case study template: Including a case study in your email template can help back up any information you give to your prospect.

38. Share insights from the experts template: Send prospects information and helpful insights from other professionals that can help address pain points.

39. Ask a subject line question template: Consider asking a compelling and relevant question in your subject line to grab your prospect’s attention.

40. LinkedIn profile view template: Leverage those who have viewed your LinkedIn profile as a way to reach out and make a new connection.

41. Discount offer template: Maintain communication with a prospect by offering a discount on a product or service for a limited time.

42. Welcome a new subscriber template: If a prospect recently subscribed to your service, send them a welcome email.

43. Automatic payment reminder template: Write a friendly reminder email—and use email software to automate it—to help ensure prospects don’t forget about payment due dates.

44. Re-engagement template: If a prospect cancels their subscription or cuts ties, you can follow up down the road with a re-engagement email. Make sure the email has a call to action (CTA) for them to rejoin.

45. Connect with a prospect you met in person template: When you’re at an industry-related event, you talk to many potential prospects. It’s important to reach out while they still remember you and the conversation.

46. Ask if you have the right person template: If you’re not sure you’re contacting the right person, you can ask in your initial outreach email.

47. Follow-up to a call template: After you’ve chatted with a prospect, send a follow-up email to thank them for their time.

48. Free stuff template: Prospects can’t pass up free things—keep them coming back by sending an email with an offer to grab something for free.

49. Sneak peek template: Send an email with a sneak peek of a new product or service to a prospect that you already have a relationship with.

50. Apology template: Provide a customer with an apology if they reached out to express dissatisfaction with a product or service.

51. Sales story template: In your email, include a story of a successful sales event that helped another prospect solve a problem.

52. Reminder template: Send a reminder email to prospects for things like upcoming meeting times and product launches.

Sales email tips

Sales email tips

Many of the best practices that apply to cold calling scripts and sales scripts also apply to sales emails. Check out these helpful sales email tips:

  • Practice clear communication: Interactions with leads—whether over a sales call or email—are more successful when communication is personalized, clear, and customer-oriented.
  • Craft good opening lines: Use specific opening lines in your outreach email to boost sales engagement.
  • Tailor your pitch: Be sure to tailor your sales pitch to a specific audience to gain interest and show the prospect you’ve done your research.
  • Create a sell sheet: A reliable sell sheet that includes a compelling CTA can go a long way with prospects.
  • Stick to the point: Always maintain focus and avoid email clutter when reaching out to prospects.

For more tips, check out our guide on how to write sales emails.

Customizing sales email templates

Customization and personalization are essential to every step of your sales process, but they’re especially important during initial outreach. Even something as small as adding a name and a company to a cold email can skyrocket its success.

How do you know if your customizations are coming across? Monitor how they perform. There are a few ways to do this:

When you know what works and what doesn’t, you can hone your process to increase your rate of success.

Improve your sales emails with flexible templates that work

With every sales email, it’s important to avoid being generic—customize each template before sending your message to a prospect. Your emails should focus on the customer and their needs to show that you care about building a customer relationship.

To help with your lead generation and outreach efforts, invest in Zendesk Sell. Our robust sales CRM can also maximize productivity, maintain pipeline visibility, and grow your revenue.

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