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Article 21 min read

10 effective sales pitch presentation examples, templates, and tips

With these helpful examples, you can craft an engaging sales pitch to pack your pipeline with high-quality leads.

Por Donny Kelwig, Contributing Writer

Última atualização em April 4, 2024

Sales pitch

Creating a strong sales pitch is crucial for landing a deal, so it’s in your best interest to have all the information you need to grab your audience’s attention. This includes incorporating eye-catching visuals and ensuring you address your prospect’s concerns and pain points.

With this guide, learn how to adapt your sales pitch strategy to entice buyers to try your offering. Read on for the definition of sales pitch, different types, examples, and templates, as well as how to craft a unique sales pitch.

What is a sales pitch?

A sales pitch is a message or sales script designed to lead your prospect to a certain action, such as scheduling an appointment or demo. A sales pitch sets the tone for the entire customer relationship, so getting your pitch right is essential for a successful sale.

The first step in developing a great sales pitch is changing your mindset. You should use a sales pitch to begin a conversation—not to sell a product. Keep this in mind, and your quota will thank you.

Types of sales pitches

Sales pitches are not one-size-fits-all. There are many different sales pitches depending on your product, your company, and how far along you are in the sales pipeline. Types of sales pitches include:

  • Social media pitch

  • Presentation sales pitch

  • Follow-up sales pitch

  • One-line sales pitch

  • Elevator pitch

  • Phone sales pitch

  • Email sales pitch

  • Investor pitch

  • Pain-point pitch

  • One-minute sales pitch

You can always use a combination of pitches for the same prospect. For example, you might give an elevator pitch at a conference and then follow up with an email pitch before finally delivering a comprehensive presentation pitch.

Sales pitch examples and templates

Below are 10 notable sales pitch examples to inspire you when crafting a winner. These examples cover various types of sales pitches and offer tips you can apply to any prospect:

  1. Two-sentence pitch

  2. Elevator pitch

  3. Phone pitch

  4. Email pitch

  5. Personalized social media pitch

  6. Sales presentation

  7. Follow-up sales pitch

  8. Unconventional investor pitch

  9. Personal pain-point pitch

  10. One-minute pitch

You can also use the templates and sales pitch scripts included for each type to help you create your own.

How to make a sales pitch: The 6-step sales pitch structure

With so many pitch options, it can be hard to know where to start. We recommend the six-step sales pitch structure. No matter your situation, the following framework won’t lead you astray. Here’s how to create a sales pitch in six steps:

1. Identify the problem

First, identify your prospect’s pain point. When you craft your sales pitch presentation, lead with the challenge your audience currently faces and back up your claims with data. (This is also the challenge that you plan to solve with your offering.)

2. State your value proposition

Next, state your value proposition. A value proposition, also known as a unique selling proposition, is a statement that highlights the value your business, product, or service can provide to its customers.

In your value proposition, mention how your offering can help solve the problem you’ve identified in step one. Be sure to share the features of the offering and its benefits.

For example, your value proposition could look like this:

Our [Company Name] assists [audience] with [pain point] in order to help achieve [benefits].

3. Share a story

To capture your audience’s attention and connect with them on a deeper level, consider sharing a story of how your company got started and who you are—this can be similar to an About Us page.

Include points surrounding what motivates your team, past success stories, and incorporate something personal. You can also introduce your team members here if you have them.

4. Offer solutions

After highlighting the problem(s), address how your product or service can offer your audience a solution. To do this, break down your value proposition into solutions that are related to the benefits, such as:

  • X helps Y save time and money

  • X helps Y grow business by Z amount

Tip: Make sure your solutions are easy to understand and don’t offer too many choices.

5. Show social proof

Tap into social proof by providing testimonials, references, and customer stories that show how your product or service has helped similar businesses succeed. Showcase the data behind why your offering is beneficial to your audience and support your solutions listed in step four.

6. End with a CTA and be open to questions

Continue the conversation by asking open-ended questions. Then, move the prospect to the next step with a clear CTA, such as: “Sounds like we’re on the same page. Are you free for another follow-up call next Tuesday after you’ve had time to look at the numbers?”

Tip: Open the floor to questions and feedback from your audience to begin a conversation and prompt further engagement. Being open to questions during the presentation is essential.

Sales pitch ideas + best practices

There’s a lot that goes into a sales pitch. The ingredients for a well-crafted sales pitch are:

  • Narrative

  • Timing

  • Empathy

  • Creative focus

No matter where you’re pitching or what media you’re using, every sales pitch needs to get the prospect interested and excited about the opportunity you’re offering. There are several ways to do this, but first, let’s look at some universal best practices.

  • Contact the right person at the right time

A successful sales pitch is all about timing, according to Courtney Gupta, a community engagement specialist and former SMB account executive at Zendesk.

“You can have this amazing sales pitch, but the success of it really depends on timing,” Gupta says. “Sometimes, prospects would love to talk but aren’t looking to change vendors or are in the middle of another deal. Make a note if they provide a better time to reach out.”

It’s also important to do thorough background research on the audience or person you plan on pitching to (this can also help you find the right person to speak with if you’re unsure).

  • Make the prospect the hero of the story

Another tip is to frame your pitch with a compelling narrative. In this story, the prospect is the hero and they have a challenge they need to overcome. Your product is the sidekick that will help them do it. Your job as a salesperson is to connect your product with your prospect to achieve their happy ending.

Use a sparkling sales personality and your sales experience to weave an engaging story that makes your prospect want to know what happens next.

  • Understand the customer’s needs

You can’t tell the right story if you don’t know your audience. Buyers want sales reps to take the time to gain a firm understanding of their business and the roadblocks they’re facing—but the reality doesn’t always match the expectation. Many customers don’t believe that sales reps truly understand their problems (or have a way to solve them).

Your initial sales pitch should demonstrate your knowledge of the prospect’s:

  • Company

  • Industry

  • Unique challenges

Most types of sales pitches allow for some time to research the prospective buyer in advance, and it’s critical to do so. Even just 15 minutes of research on Google News and LinkedIn will go a long way toward inspiring confidence.

  • Start with a strong opener

In a sales pitch, the subject line or opening line is the “once upon a time” that leads prospects into your sales story. In many ways, it’s a microcosm of your entire pitch.

An intriguing opener personally speaks to prospects and persuades them to take the time to read the message. Some important points to remember include:

  • Keeping it personal: Do this by using the contact’s name and the word “you.” Generic openers are easier to overlook.
  • Writing something meaningful: Doing so can help you hook the prospect into your story. Include an eye-catching statistic, offer an informational (or controversial) statement, or ask a question demonstrating your knowledge of their industry. Do your research and target a personal pain point.

Crafting openers that are relevant to your prospects comes with practice. Consistently A/B test your emails to learn what does and doesn’t work in your messages.

How to write a sales email: 6 sales email examples that work

  • Get creative throughout

Go beyond the standard sales pitch email or cold call—there are creative ways to take a pitch to the next level.

“If your emails didn’t work, gifts are another avenue,” says Gupta. “Gifts show your brand character. They often make prospects want to take a meeting because they remember you and relate that positive memory to your brand. Even if the timing wasn’t right the first time, they’ll keep those warm, fuzzy feelings in mind in the future.”

Remember, there isn’t only one way to increase sales. Try different tactics until you find what works.

  • Keep pitch length in mind

Buyers don’t care about your product or service—they care about their problems. If you spend all your time with a prospect talking about yourself and your company, it’ll be hard to convince them that you actually want to help them resolve their issues. Keep your sales pitch concise, and leave room for listening and engagement.

The ideal sales pitch length depends on the format, but here are some general guidelines to follow:

  • Aim for 300 words in your sales emails: A study of cold sales emails found that emails with 1,400 to 1,500 characters (approximately 300 words) showed a substantially higher response rate than emails of 100 words or fewer.
  • Keep your cold calls under eight minutes: Chorus, a conversation intelligence platform, discovered that 7.5 minutes is the average length of a cold call that converts into the next step.
  • Limit your sales presentation to 18 minutes: Apply the TED Talk principle to your sales presentations. TED Talk speakers are limited to 18-minute presentations for a simple, data-backed reason: After the 18-minute mark, you lose your audience to information overload.

Sales pitch template

Download our sales pitch template to help you create an effective sales pitch presentation in seven slides. Our template has tips for:

  • Stating your value proposition

  • Proposing solutions to your prospect’s challenges

  • Showing proof to back up your claims and establish authority

  • And more

How Zendesk can help improve your sales process

Now that you have the knowledge and insight, begin creating your own pitches. Start from scratch or use sales enablement tools to get a head start.

If you wish you had more time to research your leads and write the perfect pitch, invest in a solution like Zendesk Sell. Our sales engagement platform helps you cut down on busy work so you can get back to building relationships. Sell also allows you to track sales pitch success metrics so you can keep refining your communication methods.

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